Slivered green pistachio kernel is another derivative of green peeled pistachio kernel besides choppedpowder and flaked green pistachio kernel. High quality green peeled kernels are cut mechanically into small strips in a hygiene operation site. Click here for information about quality control.

Our freshly produced Slivered green pistachio kernels provide perfect ingredients for many kinds of food recipes containing pistachio. Besides containing many elements of nutrition (vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fats), they provide a variety of green color shades to garnish your desserts more beautifully.

They can easily be added to cookies and desserts, yet still possessing the richness and aroma of whole green pistachio kernel. Whichever way you would like to incorporate these delicious ingredients into your cooking and everyday lifestyle, we know they will taste great!

Why should I buy Ratin Khosh Slivered green pistachio kernel?

  • having access to the best pistachio trees native to the region

  • from “tree to shipment” strict quality control at several checkpoints

  • the product is free from foreign material and kernel spotting

  • fresh taste

  • crisp texture

  • nutritious (rich in vitamin, mineral, protein, healthy fats, etc.)

  • natural color

  • 100% purity

  • 100% aflatoxin free (guaranteed, on demand)

  • tasteful, flavorful, and delectable

  • trusted by many clients across the globe


What is slivered pistachio, and how can we make it?


Let’s talk about slivered pistachio. As we all know, the color and glaze of Iranian food have been spoken worldwide, and these colors and glazes are sometimes with spices. Sauce. Saffron is done. But this is not always the case.

For example, sometimes, this shape and appearance can be done by slices. Slices such as almond slices, hazelnut slices, and slivered pistachio play an influential role in sweets and ice cream’s beauty and appearance.

Of course, provided that the slices used are of good quality in terms of taste. Unfortunately, today we see that sometimes slices that smell stale and old are used to decorate and flavor food, sweets, and ice cream. Those who are aware of this are fully aware of the change in color and taste of slivered pistachio.

The appearance of sweets is of great importance, so the pistachio kernel gives a sweet effect to the sweetness. It should be noted that the slice is not only for sweets but is also used in foods such as barberry pilaf, rice pilaf, and yellow pilaf.

Qazvin pistachio kernels are usually used. Slivered pistachio has the highest quality and most expensive slivered pistachio. Quality slivered pistachio in Iran belongs to Rafsanjan.


 پسته خلال شده


Hygiene and storage of pistachios through pistachios is more critical than pistachios with skin because the kernels are separated from the shells and taken in various forms, for example, storage at home is such that it should be stored immediately in the freezer and can be sliced for a year It is vital to perform aflatoxin testing during physiotherapy in this way so that European countries have impressive structures in this field.

The amount of aflatoxin allowed for European countries is from 2 to 5 percent, and for Asian countries, it is allowed up to 10 percent.

How to prepare slivered pistachio

The best way to slice is to do it at home by removing the pistachios from the main shell and soaking them in lukewarm water until it softens a little, then take the softened pistachios out of the water and double them, and then the pistachios.

Cut the slightly softened ones into sharp shapes with a sharp knife. After the slicing is done, spread them on a clean cloth in the dry air of the room away from sunlight because if it is exposed to the sun, it will turn yellow immediately. So that the slicing method can be done quickly.

Iranian pistachio and its derivatives are used in various ways throughout the world today. And we are happy that we have been able to offer a product to the whole world made from the core of this product from:

  • pistachio’s hard bone shell

  • From pistachio powder

  • Pistachio oil.

  • In food consumption

  • Medication Therapeutic Traditional medicine and beauty affairs.


پسته خلال شده


Steps of preparing slivered pistachio comprehensively

In the first step, we have to separate the thin and fruity skin of the pistachios. After this stage, it is time to separate the bone shell of the pistachios.

To make this step more manageable, it is better to put them in the open air for about an hour so that their skin becomes a little drier and we can get rid of their brains safely.

After separating the pistachios’ bony shells, pour the pistachio kernels into a water bowl (preferably cold). Note the steps in a row. For example, first, the fruit skin, then the bone skin, put all the pistachios with the nuts in a bowl of water after this peeling step is done.

The pistachios should be soaked in water for half an hour. When pistachios are soaked in water, it causes water to be placed between the pistachio and the shell. This makes it very easy to remove the pistachios from the third shell.

Now take a knife, cut out the pistachios, and put a small slice on it from the pistachios’ middle and bottom. Enough to tear the pistachio skin one by one.

نکات طلایی در مورد پست خلال شده است


One of the most time-consuming steps, and perhaps I can say the most difficult, is where we have to tear the pistachios’ skin with a sharp knife and squeeze the pistachio kernel with two fingers.

If you are two people at this stage, the work speed will increase very much. Someone slices the pistachios, and someone peels them.

If it was difficult to peel some of them, dip your fingers in the water. Wetness is just enough to peel the skin. So far, our pistachios have become so-called three-skinned.

After this step, we have to cut our kernels into slices with a knife (be careful not to cut them too thin, because after drying, a percentage of pistachio juice evaporates, causing the slices to become narrower and smaller)

In the final stage of slicing, we need to use a cotton cloth to dry. Spread the slices on it (in a cool and dry environment and preferably exposed to the air conditioner or fan). Please leave it in the same way for three days so that the nuts dry well (during this time, we turn our slices upside down several times a day).

To store the nuts, it is better to put them in a cotton bag or a glass and put them in the refrigerator.

پسته طلایی


Golden Tips on slivered pistachio

Golden Tip One: In many ways, you are told to slivered pistachio first and then dip them in water. But you do not do this, first throw the nuts in the water without any manipulation. If you slivered pistachio, water would penetrate them, and when immersed in water, it would affect the taste of pistachios.

Golden Tip Two: Many methods recommend soaking pistachios in hot, boiling water. This makes the skin easier to peel but changes the pistachio’s properties, taste, and color. In the same cold water, we can easily peel them.

Golden Tip Three: A misconception is that to dry pistachios better, it is better to leave them in the sun. If the pistachios are exposed to sunlight, they will turn yellow, and there will be no more green and beautiful colors on your food and sweets.

Golden tip four: for drying ordinary raw pistachios. Peel the fruit and spread it like slices on cotton cloth in a cool, dry place for about a week (we lighten it every day until it is scorched).

I hope you enjoy our simple recipe today.


Additional information


Naturally light Green





Total size

Shelf Life and Storage Condition

24 months, Put it in a cool and dry place, not in front of sunlight

Harvesting time

Chemical/Artificial Additives

Type of packing in bulk

Packing for the market


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