Date Paste

Packaging : 5kg | 10kg


Are you willing to substitute breakfast chocolate with something naturally sweet, full of energy and fiber, and it is a great healthy calorie dense Energy Bar.
Are you DIABETIC? Are you looking for Healthy life style?
GoldenSkyFood’s Natural Date paste, BRC approved quality, with its delicious caramel taste in each bite can be a good choice for you. It is obtained by blending and mixing the best pitted Dates without any additive or preservative.
The taste, color, appearance, texture, condition, chemical, physical and microbiological items of this natural fruit based sweetener product are rigorously tested and controlled by our quality experts. They are also tested & verified by accredited NACCI ISO17025 laboratories in IRAN and around the world.
Date paste is a natural fruit sweetener that can be used in place of sugar, honey or maple syrup in different recipes such as, date paste brownies, cakes, cookies & …
The combination of Date paste with Pistachio paste products is the best choice for your breakfast! This mouthwatering mixture is full of iron, potassium, Minerals and antioxidants.


5 Delicious Idli Recipes

It is the World Idli day today. Idli is a popular South Indian breakfast item that is either enjoyed with sambar…


We are a production and export  company with over half a century of experience. Golden  Sky Food guarantees the quality of its products with the finest ingredients, completely natural, free of additives and artificial colors. We can be the right business partner for you with world-class appropriate production and Quality.
Elevate your offerings with the taste of natural perfection. Crafted with care and free from compromise, our ingredients will shine through in every dish.

Call today to discuss partnership opportunities and unlock a world of flavor for your customers.



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