8 April 2022

Buy Pistachio Nuts Online in Bulk

Where can you buy pistachio nuts online in large quantities and in bulk? You should find suppliers and exporters of Iranian pistachios.

When buying bulk pistachios for export, one of the main parameters is the price of the product.
Akbari, Ahmad Aghaei, Koleghoochi, Fandoghi, and Badami pistachios are exporting from Iran to different countries.

Iran is one of the largest producers of pistachios in the world. When importers want to buy pistachio nuts with high quality and better taste, they choose Iranian varieties.

Organic Honey, Golden Sky Food Company
June 26 , 2021

Raw or processed honey?

When looking for your next honey jar, the main thing to do is about processed or raw honey. Many people mistakenly believe that consuming unprocessed raw honey is dangerous and automatically and unknowingly buy processed honey. Some people think that there is no difference between these two types of honey…

15 February 2021

Ramadan date shopping season

Why is the best season to buy Ramadan dates now? 

Ramadan is that time of the year when all 1.8 billion Muslims can enter the realms of spirituality and introspection, sympathize with the poor, develop patience, and get rid of bad habits. While it is all that and more, Ramadan is also the best time for dates.

March 30, 2019

Nuts For A Healthier World

The INC and Save Children joined forces to empower the dissemination project Nuts For a Healthier World and thanks to the collaboration of our…

March 31, 2019

Diet Tips To Increase Metabolism

The sun is shining bright on top of our heads and how glad are we! It was indeed a long spell of winter and now that it is gone, we can finally step out of our quilts and jackets. As we all…

March 31, 2019

5 Delicious Idli Recipes To Try At Home

It is the World Idli day today. Idli is a popular South Indian breakfast item that is either enjoyed with sambar or grainy coconut chutney….


5 Delicious Idli Recipes

It is the World Idli day today. Idli is a popular South Indian breakfast item that is either enjoyed with sambar…


We are a production and export  company with over half a century of experience. Golden  Sky Food guarantees the quality of its products with the finest ingredients, completely natural, free of additives and artificial colors. We can be the right business partner for you with world-class appropriate production and Quality.
Elevate your offerings with the taste of natural perfection. Crafted with care and free from compromise, our ingredients will shine through in every dish.

Call today to discuss partnership opportunities and unlock a world of flavor for your customers.



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