Green pistachio kernel powder , Totally, Our company supply two kind of pistachio kernel: Normal pistachio Kernel and Green peeled pistachio kernel beside this we kindly offer derivatives of pistachio kernel such as pistachio granola, slivered and pistachio powder.

Because of the spread of illnesses, today, everybody is searching for sound eating regimens. Pistachio paste is not only used for breakfast but can also be used in meals and as a snack throughout the day. Pistachios are full of antioxidants, fiber, and protein. This article will examine some of the properties of pistachio butter and how to prepare it.


Green Pistachio Kernel Powder Specifications


These delicious freshly, pistachio kernels are the perfect ingredient to all baking needs. They can easily be combined into delicious cakes, mueslis, granolas, nut bars, fruit and nut slices, pies, tarts, breads and cookies. Offering a yummy crunchy bite and delicious taste makes these Green peeled pistachio powder incredibly popular among our ingredients clients. They also contain many essential vitamins and minerals such as protein, dietary fiber and vitamin B which all contribute greatly to living a healthy lifestyle.

However way you like to incorporate these delicious nuts into your cooking and everyday lifestyle we know they will taste great!

Green pistachio kernel powder


Pistachios can be obtained in the market in the forms of skin, pure kernels, slices, and green pistachio kernel powder. This is sold by nut shops and online stores. Its uses are varied and can be used in cooking all kinds of sweets.  You can buy this product in bulk or other forms.

There are several factories in Iran that produce green pistachio kernel powder. Most pistachio producers also supply their powder to the market. However, there are only several good factories in this area. Wholesale of pistachio powder is also on-demand these days.  Green pistachio kernel powder is mainly used in the confectionery industry.

This type of powder is used in the production of these sweets:

  • Pistachio sweets

  • Ice Cream

  • Dessert

  • Porridge

  • Sohan

  • Gaz and other things




This powder is so valuable that it is one of the influential factors in pricing these products. The higher the number of pistachios in a sweet, the higher the price and value of that sweet. Here we can mention Sohan and Gaz. One of the main characteristics of their pricing is the amount of pistachio in them.

Be sure to contact us to buy Iranian pistachios

Pistachio powder, like its main fruit, has several benefits. Among its attributes, we can mention the following:

  1. To eliminate anemia

  2. Boosting the immune system

  3. Memory booster

  4. Solve digestive problems

  5. Cough treatment

  6. Useful for the liver

  7. Relaxing and other things

It is because of the different benefits of pistachios that many people buy this type of product. You can go to different stores to purchase slices and buy pistachio powder.


Additional information






Shelf Life and Storage Condition

Twenty-four months, Put it in a cool and dry place, Not in front of sunlight.

Harvesting time

Chemical/Artificial Additives

Type of packing in bulk

Consumer Packing for stores




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