Ahmad Aghaei pistachio is greater and thicker than Fandoghi Pistachio and has an incredible taste. This sort of pistachio is the most well-known.

The motivation behind why it is mainstream than the other kind of pistachio is its lightest shell tone.

The shade of the Pistachio shell usually is soft cream. Be that as it may, Ahmad aghaie shell is more brilliant than different kinds.

Ahmad Aghaei Pistachio ( Long iranian Pistachios ) : This type of Pistachio (Long Ahmad Aghaei Pistachio) is one of the popular types. The reason why it is popular than the other type of pistachio is that it has the lightest shell color.  The color of the Pistachio shell is naturally light cream. However, Ahmadaghaie shell is brighter than the other types.  As it is clear from its name, it is one of the long shape types of pistachios.


Things you need to know about Ahmad Aghaei pistachio


Ahmad Aghaei pistachio is greater and thicker than Fandoghi Pistachio and has an incredible taste. This sort of pistachio is the most well-known.

The motivation behind why it is mainstream than the other kind of pistachio is its lightest shell tone. The shade of the Pistachio shell usually is soft cream. Be that as it may, Ahmad aghaie shell is more brilliant than different kinds.

The most up-to-date business assortment, well known with the ranchers due to high return and a brief timeframe to arrive at creation. The most well-known character to distinguish Ahmad aghaei pistachio is that the shape is extended; however, each piece’s length is unique.

It additionally has the whitest shell tone among the four sorts. This kind of pistachio is an incredible wellspring of sound fats, fiber, protein, cancer prevention agents, and various supplements, including nutrient B6 and potassium. The creation of this assortment is expanding.

This sort is the ideal sort in eastern Asia, specifically China and India.


ahmad aghaei


Sending out of Ahmad Aghaei Pistachio


Ahmad Aghaei pistachio is perhaps the most mainstream Iranian pistachio cultivars for trade, which has had the option to acquire numerous purchasers in the whole world with its high caliber.

As you most likely are aware, because of Iran’s topographical area and unique environment, Iran has had the option to deliver the most significant kinds of pistachios, which is why this item has acquired this worldwide spot. There are no comparable pistachios around the planet that can rival this sort of pistachio.

Ahmad Aghaei is one of the best cultivars that we transport these days to various nations like India, Turkey, Russia, Netherlands, Australia, China, etc., otherwise called long pistachio in the worldwide market.

We can call the two urban communities of Rafsanjan and Sarvestan the Center of creation for Ahmad Aghaei pistachio. A tiny shell and an exceptional taste are the highlights of such pistachio.

Additionally, this sort of pistachio, with its excellent look, all-white shell, and vivid undeveloped organism, has had the option to pull in numerous clients worldwide merely because of its look.


ahmad aghaei pistachios


Ahmad Aghaei Pistachio cost

One of the significant boundaries for unfamiliar traders in any exchange is the expense of the item. This thing additionally goes into purchasing and selling Ahmad Aghaei pistachios.

Furthermore, shippers are looking for sensible costs while making bargains. The significant thing for unfamiliar traders is to know the specific price of the item. Consequently, they should check the cost of this item consistently.

The purpose behind checking prices every day can be clarified by how, for instance, the cost of crude Ahmad Aghaei pistachios will not be the same as simmered pistachios or Ahmad’s costs Aghaei pistachios delivered in Rafsanjan are not quite the same as those created in Sarvestan. In another model, we can say: the price of natural pistachios is higher than conventional pistachios’ cost.

In this manner, unfamiliar vendors can pick one of these as per their requirements and spending plan.

Tips on trading Ahmad Aghaei pistachios

Since Ahmad Aghaei pistachios are sent out to various nations, focusing on particular focuses can help merchants and buyers. For instance, something that you can consider is the method of item bundling.

It is wiser to talk about this with the purchaser so the purchaser can pick the item bundling method. For instance, in regards to this item’s bundling, we can specify the accompanying three things.

  • Bulk bundling

  • Small bundles for trading

  • Packaging dependent on client needs and norms in the purchaser’s country


ahmad aghaeiahmad aghaei


Notwithstanding the things that we referenced, in arrangements between this item’s exporters and unfamiliar vendors, the sort of Ahmad Aghaei pistachio should be chosen. For instance, it ought to be noticed that pistachios are crude or simmered. The client’s necessities will conclude this matter.

Something else that is vital for dealers is the method of delivery of the bought item. Pistachio exporters should have the option to convey the thing to the objective as indicated by the client’s assessment and acquire a good market for themselves.

If you need to purchase the best kind of Ahmad Aghaei pistachio as indicated by your requirements, you can round out the structure underneath.

Ahmad Aghaei Pistachio tree Profile

It has moderate to vast development potential. Tree stature is 309 cm (medium tallness), and tree shelter width is 394 cm. The blooming date is 10th April, and the blossoming stage is 16th April, and the blooming period is 13 days.

Ahmad Aghaei Pistachio natural product Profile

Green skin shading when ready red organic product ages, the fresh weight of the natural product with green skin is 56/89 grams. The new importance of non-green skin was 34.74 g, Dry weight 1.22 g, green skin weight 22.22 (most noteworthy green load among cultivars), Length 20.48 mm, Width 12.62 mm.

Sorts of pistachio utilization Ahmad Aghaei

Ahmad Aghaei pistachio is well known both abroad and in the homegrown market. Ahmad Aghaei pistachios, in blend with Koleghoochi pistachios, are an excellent mix for delightful and beautiful nuts.

Another sort of pistachio with more modest grains and a decent, solid and flavorful portion is likewise utilized in enterprises, such as sweet shops and frozen yogurt. The principle utilization of Ahmad Aghaei pistachio doesn’t end here. Ahmad Aghaei pistachio is entirely reasonable for getting ready pistachio cuts because of its great stretching.


ahmad aghaei trees


Advantages of Pistachio for Hair

Pistachio has numerous advantages for hair. Here are a few models for you.

Invigorate hair development.

Pistachio invigorates sound hair development because of the presence of unsaturated fats.

Hair Strengthening.

Pistachio is a special treatment for fortifying and treating hair.

Increment hair adaptability.

Utilizing a pistachio hair cover can sustain and saturate the hair. By and large, it improves the surface of the hair. Additionally reasonable for harmed and dry hair.

Balding treatment

Pistachio contains a ton of biotin. Every day utilization of these nuts can adequately lessen balding.

The timeframe of realistic usability: The best time is one year after the creation date.

Keep them at room temperature. A room which has excellent air ventilation and it is liberated from dust. Notwithstanding, in our expert assessment, it is wiser to keep them in the Refrigerator, which is cool (under 5 Centigrade) and dry with legitimate air ventilation.


Additional information




Total size

Regular size


For raw pistachio

For Roasted & Salted pistachio

Shelf Life and Storage Condition

24 months, Put it in a cool and dry place, not in front of sunlight

Harvesting time

Chemical/Artificial Additives

No, natural and healthy, Without GMO and Gluten

from 100g to 1000g

Type of packing in bulk

10kg, 25kg, 50kg bags

Packing for the market

from 100g to 1000g


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